Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tiger-Streak 02 - Snelheid

The next member of Tiger-Streak is Brecht Moulin, aka Snelheid. Snelheid is a classic superhero speedster, with superhuman speed, endurance, and reflexes. Born in Belgium raised in New England, Brecht has had superpowers since birth, and comes from an entire family of superhumans with both of his parents and his siblings each having their own unique power. Despite coming from an entire family of superhumans he is the only member of his family interested in being a superhero. As a teenager Brecht used his powers to successfully stop a handful of small crimes in his home town up in Maine, but when he came face to face with his first supervillain, he got trounced. Worried he’d get himself killed if he kept up his heroics, his parents urged him to stop, but Brecht’s first taste of defeat only made him want the hero life even more. When superhero legend, Tiger-Man, caught wind of Brecht’s run-in with a supervillain he reached out the Moulins to invite Brecht to join his newly assembled team of superpowered proteges, Tiger-Streak. Knowing their son would be under the mentorship of one of the world’s most famous superheroes, Brecht’s parents gave him their blessing and allowed him to become Tiger-Streak’s second official member, Snelheid.