Friday, August 28, 2020

Odicia Character Portraits 2

A few more Odicia character portraits. These are designs from characters who appear in the nightmare sequence at the beginning of The Song of Eyala Troy.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Odicia Character Portraits

Today I updated the Comics tab to include pages featuring The Song of Eyala Troy, an Odicia webcomic I've worked on off and on since 2017. We recently released our first public demo for the Odicia video game, which was a huge milestone, and I want to share more of the work I've done for Odicia in recent years. Below are some character portraits I made alongside the webcomic. I drew a lot of portraits like these to work out designs for the characters.





Friday, August 14, 2020

Hero Force Morphers

These are the morphers used by the Hero Force Rangers. I wanted the morphers to have a simple design reminiscent of the power coins, used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, rather than the more complicated, high-tech morphers used by teams of Rangers that came later. The orange morpher is an emergency/back up morpher. Unlike the other morphers which are bonded to specific people, the orange morpher can be used by practically anyone. It transforms its user into a very basic, orange-colored Power Ranger, with no unique abilities, weapons, or Zord.

Ranger Hero Pink Morphing - Animated?

 A very, VERY crudely thrown together movie with the images of Ranger Hero Pink morphing. Featuring the song Beat hit! by Ayumi Miyazaki from Digimon Adventure 02.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Odicia - Pre-Alpha Demo


Oliver and I are very excited to share that we’ve finally released a demo for our game, Odicia! That means you can download and play the game right now for FREE.

Here's the link where you can download it:

If you play the game we'd love to know what you thought of it, so shoot us an email at the address below.